This course is a MUST for anyone using or teaching with an aerial hammock
We've created this Safety Course to educate and empower you with the knowledge so you can be safe and keep others safe
Safety is our Passion – Are you safe?
We empower you with the knowledge to keep yourself and others safe. Together, let's keep rigging standards high to ensure everyone is safe in the air.
Sign up for our Safety Course Now"Safety is at the heart of what we do"
We pride ourselves on our safety standards, it’s at the heart of what we do.
We’ve taken the best consultancy around health and safety and suspending people in the air by consulting with Dr Christopher Robbins, who is both a metallurgist, a Dr of metals, and as part of a long career in health and safety is the Auditor for IRATA - the industrial rope access trade association
…he also happens to be my Dad!
Safe Practice in Aerial Pilates
Overview covered
- What is NOT considered safe practice in the air
- Aerial equipment and appropriate professionals
- Responsibilities and legal requirements of instructors
- Documentation and risk assessments

Meet your Instructor
Mark Gibson - Professional Rigger
Mark is the founder and Managing Director of Aerial Edge, Glasgow’s circus school since 2007. Mark has been training, performing and working in circus since 1999 specialising in solo static trapeze and doubles trapeze. Mark also manages the Circus Rigging & Safety site providing information and education on safe rigging in circus.
Take our Safety Course

Learn about the Dangers
We encourage you to educate yourself through our courses. Learn about any unknown dangers that could create unnecessary risk to equipment, buildings or people's lives.
**Without professional guidance from a qualified rigger, NEVER **
- Swing your hammock over a random beam you do not know detailed information about
- Use equipment that is not suitable - For example: Daisy chains
- Tie your hammock from a tree branch
- Hang up your hammock like a piece of gym equipment (e.g. a chin-up bar)
Want a taster? Join our FREE Air School 7 day subscription pass!
This online educational program focuses on the development and creativity for the Pilates teacher and aerialist. Learn the essential theory behind aerial Pilates work, be inspired and increase your safety knowledge
Get your FREE Pass Now!